Who are we?

Our company was founded in 2008 in response to growing market demand for environmental outsourcing and waste management services.

Increasing awareness among entrepreneurs and countless changes in conservancy regulations forced the transformation that led to implementing of a pro-conservancy management policy.

We began then to build our team of experts in various fields to guarantee a comprehensive service in every conceivable aspect of conservancy and its relates issues, in order to help to understand and adapt businesses’ operations to the requirements of sustainable development.

Our main principle reads: “Your needs – our task”, and we operate in an atmosphere of professionalism, equality and respect— all in order to provide our Clients with the most favourable solutions based on the binding laws.



UTYLINIA – aplikacja stworzona w odpowiedzi na potrzeby klientów związane z gospodarką odpadami

chemIQ - otwarcie się na potrzeby klientów i udostępnienie aplikacji do zarządzania substancjami chemicznymi

pierwsze 1000 użytkowników aplikacji chemIQ

założenie firmy

chemIQ – aplikacja do zarządzania substancjami chemicznymi powołana do życia na potrzeby wewnętrzne

udostępnienie klientom bezpłatnego generatora etykiet odpadowych zgodnie z wymaganiami nowego rozporządzenia w sprawie magazynowania odpadów

15-lecie firmy Ecothesis, wdrożenie standardów jakości i stabilnych form współpracy z klientami



Założenie firmy.



UTYLINIA – aplikacja stworzona w odpowiedzi na potrzeby klientów związane z gospodarką odpadami.

chemIQ – aplikacja do zarządzania substancjami chemicznymi powołana do życia na potrzeby wewnętrzne.



chemIQ - otwarcie się na potrzeby klientów i udostępnienie aplikacji do zarządzania substancjami chemicznymi.

Udostępnienie klientom bezpłatnego generatora etykiet odpadowych zgodnie z wymaganiami nowego rozporządzenia w sprawie magazynowania odpadów.



Pierwsze 1000 użytkowników aplikacji chemIQ.

15-lecie firmy Ecothesis, wdrożenie standardów jakości i stabilnych form współpracy z klientami.




Grzegorz Płuziński
Grzegorz Płuziński
management system, service development
Grzegorz Płuziński

The right person in the right place: an economist by training and a graduate of postgraduate studies in management systems and numerous training courses in auditing and compliance in general. An advocate of straightforward solutions aimed at raising standards and simplifying life. The mighty creator of our applications UTYLINIA and chemIQ® and others, currently under development 😊 (please stay tuned!). In his private life, he is a qualified instructor of skiing and motorboat sports. He is currently involved in the development of Australian Football in Poland, as the captain of the Wrocław Lions team and a representative of Poland in AF in 2021-2022. At Ecothesis, Grzegorz is responsible for management systems and develops new services.

Paweł Rzepa
Paweł Rzepa
market requirements and consultation
Paweł Rzepa

Prominent conservancy expert with extensive professional experience. Paweł knows and interprets environmental regulations much better than their authors. At Ecothesis, he is primarily responsible for ensuring compliance with the requirements related to the marketing of packaging and products, as well as consulting on other complex issues. A perfect perfectionist to his very core, who has authored the working standards currently in force for our team, thanks to which each and every document knows its designated place.

Agnieszka Gubańska
Agnieszka Gubańska
conservancy regulations, client support
Agnieszka Gubańska

A graduate of the first year of Environmental Protection at the University of Wrocław and of Management and Production Engineering at the Wrocław University of Technology. Passionate about environmental management system according to ISO14001 and CSR. Agnieszka is responsible for monitoring all conservancy regulations and supporting the adaptation of our Clients’ operations to any new requirements, including those related to sustainability and ESG reporting. She considers climate warming a fact and not a conspiracy theory.


Aleksandra Dzikowska
Magdalena Pasik
Customer Success Manager
Magdalena Pasik

Graduate of Water Engineering and Management and Environmental Engineering at Wrocław University of Life Sciences. At Ecothesis, Magdalena is the Customer Success Manager providing the first line assistance when a problem arises. She is responsible for monitoring changes in conservancy regulations and supports our Clients in adapting to new environmental requirements. Privately, her passions are history (with emphasis on Medieval Studies), ethnography (in particular the beliefs of primitive peoples), fantasy and world music.

Monika Ciężka
Katarzyna Kubisiak
Customer Success Manager
Katarzyna Kubisiak

Graduate of Environmental Protection at Wrocław University of Life Sciences (formerly the Agricultural University), she is certified as an ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 Internal Auditor. At Ecothesis she is an account manager, always available when there is a need to solve any problem—and she acts immediately. She supports the adaptation of our Clients’ operations to the requirements of environmental law and acts as a link between the Clients and industry specialists. A great Yoga fan in her private life.

Alicja Wroniszewska
Alicja Wroniszewska
sustainable development and ESG
Alicja Wroniszewska

Holder of doctorate in Technical Sciences in the field of Environmental Engineering, graduate of Wrocław University of Technology and DeMonfort University Leicester in the UK, and a scholar of the German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU) programme. Long-time academic teacher and researcher at Wrocław University of Technology. Alicja is a conservancy specialist dealing with environmental management systems. At Ecothesis she is responsible for environmental impact assessments, integrated permits and sustainability, including ESG reporting, carbon footprint and CBAM reporting. She is an empathetic person, who patiently acquires all the necessary information and ambitiously pursues the set goals.

Dawid Kaczmarczyk
Dawid Kaczmarczyk
air emissions
Dawid Kaczmarczyk

Graduate of Wrocław University of Technology in the fields of Environmental Protection and Environmental Engineering. Dawid is a conservancy specialist in the field of managing emissions of greenhouse gases and other substances. He is primarily responsible for drawing up documentation for notifications of installations and applications for permits to release gases and dust into the air, modelling of the dispersion of pollutants in the air, emission reporting and auditing at our Clients’ on compliance with legal requirements related to air emissions.

Monika Ciężka
Monika Ciężka
waste management
Monika Ciężka

Holder of doctorate in Earth Science, specialized in geology, graduate of Environmental Protection at the University of Wrocław and postgraduate studies in Occupational Health and Safety Management, fire protection inspector and ATEX expert. Monika specialises in environmental protection, although she most often implements projects related to waste management. At Ecothesis, she deals with drafting applications for administrative decisions, reporting and training on waste management. Apart from these, Monika conducts waste management audits and advises on how to interpret and implement legal requirements in this field.

Justyna Rudak
Justyna Rudak
water and sewage management
Justyna Rudak

Graduate of the Faculty of Nature and Technology and the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy at Wrocław University of Life Sciences. At Ecothesis, Justyna advises on how to manage water and sewage in industrial plants and water and sewage treatment companies, and specialises in risk assessments for microbiological contaminants in water supply systems. She has many years of experience in preparing water law documentation necessary to obtain various types of water law permits.

Jarosław Repeć
Jarosław Repeć
chemical substances management
Jarosław Repeć

Graduate of the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Wrocław. Jarosław is the admin of chemIQ® - our proprietary application standardizing the management of chemical materials on the basis of MSDSs. He is responsible for implementing the application at our Clients’ sites and training their staff. Apart from that, Jarosław develops new features to improve chemical substance management in line with changing requirements. As an expert in the management and storage of hazardous substances, he conducts internal audits according to the needs of our clients.

Joanna Kosiek
Paulina Wawrzyniak
waste management
Paulina Wawrzyniak

Graduate of Environmental Protection at the University of Wrocław with the major in environmental impact assessment. At Ecothesis Paulina deals with waste management topics, mainly professional support in keeping reliable waste records and preparing waste reports in the BDO system, verification of waste recipients, drawing up documentation in order to obtain waste production decisions, interpreting waste management legislation and conducting waste audits at our Clients’ sites.

Joanna Kosiek
Joanna Kosiek - Nych
water and sewage management
Joanna Kosiek - Nych

Graduate of Environmental Protection at Wrocław University of Life Sciences. As Joanna has many years of experience in the field of water and sewage management, at Ecothesis she is responsible for interpreting the provisions of the Water Law, developing documentation for obtaining water permits and preparing reports on water and sewage management.

Aleksandra Dzikowska
Aleksandra Dzikowska
chemical substances management
Aleksandra Dzikowska

Graduate of Chemical Technology at the Faculty of Chemistry, Wrocław University of Technology. Aleksandra is responsible for administering and implementing our application chemIQ® at our Clients’. Moreover, she handles the day-to-day support in accessing up-to-date MSDSs. Aleksandra specializes in REACH requirements, identifies and supervises regulatory compliance related to the use of hazardous chemicals.










We support unique and interesting initiatives

We are the main sponsor of both the women's and men's Polish National Australian Football Team and the Wrocław Lions team.