We assist in implementing and maintaining systems in accordance with ISO 14001 and 45001, among others

Management systems

ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS - an integral part of your company operations

The Environmental Management System is an element of an enterprise's management system, part of which is the planning of relevant activities, creating an organisational structure to implement the system and manage it in a way that takes into account the size, nature and industry in which the enterprise operates. Environmental management systems are a set of highly specialised tools that enable environmental policy. Management systems also confirm an enterprise’s commitment to reducing its negative impact on the natural environment. Our assistance with the implementation of such an environmental management system and obtaining certification derives from environmental auditing, aimed at determining the actual state of affairs in comparison with the requirements of standards, such as EN ISO 14001. With our support, companies may not only comply with legal requirements and environmental standards, but also build a positive image of a responsible and sustainable enterprise. We help companies to achieve their environmental goals while increasing their operational efficiency and reducing costs. Our comprehensive approach guarantees that any organisation, regardless of its size or industry, can effectively manage its environmental responsibilities and contribute to protecting the planet.


Our many years of auditing experience, combined with our concern for the quality of the surrounding environment, predispose us to identify accurately risks and opportunities arising from the implementation of an environmental management system, taking into account the size, industry and nature of your operation. Our specialist team analyses thoroughly every aspect of your company’s activities, identifying key environmental elements and suggesting optimal solutions and opportunities for improvement in managing them. We focus on a practical and effective approach, eliminating the need for ample and complicated documentation. Instead, we concentrate on activities that raise awareness of all employees about their environmental impact at all levels of the organisation. We provide training and workshops to help employees understand their role in protecting the environment and implementing sustainable practices. Our support also includes assistance during the certification audit, ensuring a smooth transition through the environmental management system certification process. We assist in preparing the necessary documentation, conducting internal audits and identifying and correcting potential non-conformities. This ensures that your company is well prepared to meet the requirements of the external auditors and be certified. In addition, we assist in maintaining the quality and environmental management system after your certification has been granted.

EMAS: Eco-Management and Audit Scheme

The Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) is an EU environmental certification scheme and is intended for all types of organisations interested in applying comprehensive conservancy solutions. The scheme is therefore addressed to both companies and non-commercial institutions. The Scheme is an excellent tool for creating and maintaining the culture of sustainable development within an organisation, based on environmental protection, and the efficient management of all possible resources and energy. It is worth emphasising here that obtaining EMAS certification is tantamount to the organisation meeting the most stringent conservancy requirements. The certificate is awarded by the General Director of Environmental Protection. Our offer includes guiding our Clients during the system certification process.