Comprehensive solutions and expert advice

Water and sewage



We offer comprehensive consultancy on the applicable EU regulations and directives on water and sewage management, both for entrepreneurs and municipal companies. We help you understand and apply the Water Framework Directive and other legislation aimed at promoting sustainable water and sewage management. With our expertise, we enable planned projects to achieve compliance with the state water management planning documents, e.g. the Drought Plan in the case of industry, or the National Urban Sewage Treatment Programme in the case of water and sewage companies. We also offer support in analyzing and optimizing water and sewage management processes, advice on investments in modern technologies and assistance in obtaining necessary permits and certifications. By working with us, you can expect to minimise the risk of non-compliance with conservancy regulations and improve the efficiency of your water management. In addition, our services support conservancy and sustainable development activities, which enhances our Clients’ competitiveness and reputation in their markets.

WATER AND WASTE MANAGEMENT - industrial sewage

Water and sewage management can be a difficult and non-obvious part of an enterprise’s operations. Any business can be a generator of industrial sewage, and in most cases it is necessary to obtain a water permit for water services or specific water use. As part of our cooperation with Clients, we identify all sources of sewage generation, determine their condition (types and quantities of pollutants) and analyse potential options for sewage management in accordance with BAT (Best Available Techniques). Our specialist knowledge and close cooperation with accredited testing laboratories enable us to monitor regularly the condition of generated sewage and advise our Clients on the selection of technologies used for effective sewage treatment. Our assistance enables companies to manage their water and sewage effectively, minimising the risk of regulatory breaches and improving operational efficiency. We also offer support in the investment process, from cost-effectiveness analysis to the implementation of modern technological solutions that increase efficiency and reduce environmental impact. Our consultancy includes assistance in adapting operations to changing legislation and in obtaining the necessary certificates and permits, ensuring full compliance with legal requirements and industry standards.

WATER AND SEWAGE MANAGEMENT - managing rainwater

Managing rainwater is becoming a serious challenge in the face of climate change and the extreme phenomena associated with it, such as torrential rains or prolonged periods of drought. Therefore, we also offer consulting on the safe and efficient selection of rainwater receivers, ways to increase retention of surface water, for instance rain gardens on roofs, green walls, which influence the protection of a valuable resource – water. We perfectly understand how weighty the measures to reduce water stress are. That is why we always advise our Clients on methods and activities to manage their water resources rationally, e.g. to use closed water circuits for their production processes, to carry on their technological processes under airtight conditions or to recovery water from the technological processes. We offer consultancy with regard to these issues as well.